Injury, Stress, and Perfectionism in Young Dancers and Gymnasts
Donna Krasnow, M.S., Lynda Mainwaring, Ph.D., C.Psych., and Gretchen Kerr, Ph.D.
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science • Volume 3, Number 2, 1999.
Injuries, psychological stress, and perfectionism
were examined in three
groups of young elite performers: ballet
dancers, modern dancers, and artistic
gymnasts. Similar to the adult population,
a high incidence of injury was
found for all three groups. Results revealed
a greater number of hip injuries
in young ballet dancers and gymnasts
than typically found in the adult population.
Variations were found among
the groups in injury management, and
duration of time training was modified.
Relationships between injury and stress,
and injury and perfectionism were not
uniform across groups. The study
points to the importance of distinguishing
between positive and negative stressors
in role specific activities. The complexities
of the stress/injury phenomenon
and the multifaceted nature of the perfectionism
variable were identified. The
authors emphasize the need for further
research and education in the area of
youth injuries and psychological correlates
in order to minimize the negative
effects on young elite performers.
Injuries can have profound
negative consequences on the
health and performance of
young dancers and gymnasts.
Performance and training demands
on these two groups are often
substantial in the teen years and leave
them vulnerable to injury. Typically,
dancers endure overuse injuries[1-3]
whereas gymnasts tend to suffer
slightly more traumatic injuries.[4-7]
Although it is difficult to compare
injury incidence across groups and
studies because of the differences in
injury reporting and definition, it is
clear that the young elite female
dancer and gymnast are at high risk
for injury. For example, injury rates
per 100 participant seasons range
from 12.[88] to 1,375.[79] for young
gymnasts. For young dancers,
incidence of injury has been reported
to be as high as 161.[52] and 33610 per
100 participant seasons.
Adolescent ballet dancers may be at
an increased risk for injuries, such as stress fractures,[11] compared with adolescent
non-dancers, modern dancers,
and older dancers.[12] In non-dancers, the
female skeleton is growing the fastest at
age 11.7 years,[13] and is therefore less
dense, more fragile, and vulnerable because
of thinning cortical bone.[14] Injuries
reported in young ballet dancers
include, anterior knee pain syndrome,
medial tibial stress syndrome,[10] tendinitis,
fractures or stress fractures,[15] scoliosis,
[11] and ankle injuries.[16] In general, in
all age groups and dance forms, lower
leg injuries (typically of the knee) account
for the greatest prevalence of injuries.
However, there is evidence to
suggest that adolescent female dancers
incur unique or different injuries than
are found in the adult population,[16,17]
and that lower back injuries are more
prevalent in adult modern dancers.[17,18]
The need to identify differences in injury
patterns, particularly as they relate
to young dancers and athletes, has been
acknowledged.[17] The present study examined
the nature of injuries in young
dancers and gymnasts.
In addition to identifying patterns
of injury in those groups, the study explored
stress and perfectionism as possible
psychological correlates of injury.
The most commonly accepted definition
of stress refers to a relationship between
a person and the environment
that is appraised as taxing personal resources
and threatening well-being.[19]
This definition is valuable as it accounts
for individual differences and the importance
of appraisal; one person may appraise or evaluate a specific situation
as stressful, another may not. Stress is
typically assessed through stressful life
events, or life stressor, checklists. These
measures include positive events such
as personal accomplishments and negative
events such as loss of a loved one.
The basic premise of this area of research
is that life stressors involve a change in
lifestyle that requires adaptation or adjustment,
which in turn requires energy.
[20] An event becomes stressful when
an individual appraises the demands of
the change as exceeding his or her capacity
to cope with it effectively. It is
believed that the accumulation of life
stressors taxes an individual’s coping resources,
thus increasing his or her susceptibility
to fatigue, illness, or injury.
[21,22] When examining life stress, it
is critical to include both major life
events that are common to the general
population as well as those day-to-day
stressors that we encounter in our particular
roles. For athletes or dancers
therefore, an investigation of stress
should include general stressors, such as
illness of a loved one, in addition to daily
athletic or dance-specific stressors such
as interpersonal difficulties with instructors
or time demands between school
and training.
Prior research has demonstrated significant
relationships between psychological
stress and illness as well as stress
and injury in sport[22-29] and dance.[30-32]
Increased stress has been associated with
the number and severity of injured
dancers[31,33] as well as with amount of
time dancers were injured.[31] Leiderbach
and colleagues[32] found that injury
trends for young adult professional
dancers seemed to be related to timespecific
onset of performance-related
psychological and physiological stress.
Not only is psychological stress
linked to injury and illness, but evidence
suggests that the personality
construct of perfectionism is linked
to both physiological and psychological
disorders including coronary heart
disease,[34] anorexia nervosa, depression,
dysmorphophobia, and ulcerative
Current research indicates that perfectionism
is a multidimensional construct
that is instrumental in a variety
of psychopathologies and adjustment
problems.[36-39] In the past, a precise definition
and an established measure of
perfectionism was not available. Recently,
Frost and associates[39] defined
perfectionism as the setting of excessively
high standards of performance in
conjunction with a tendency to make
overly critical self-evaluations; and these
researchers developed the Multidimensional
Perfectionism Scale (MPS). The
scale provides an overall perfectionism
score from five primary dimensions:
Personal Standards, Concern over Mistakes,
Parental Expectations, Parental
Criticism, and Doubts about Actions.
Concern over Mistakes is correlated
with a wide range of psychopathology,
frequency of procrastination, and general
distress, whereas, Personal Standards
is associated with positive achievement.
The Parental Expectations scale measures
the perception that parents have
high expectations and the extent to
which parents are perceived as overly
critical is measured by Parental Criticism.
Doubts about Actions “captures
a vague sense of doubt about the quality
and success of one’s performance.”[40]
A common theme in perfectionism
theory is that perfectionists are motivated
by a fear of failure, and thus, any
evaluated performance is viewed as an
opportunity to fail rather than to succeed.
[41] It has been suggested that
perfectionistic athletes fear failure and
mistakes to the extent that enjoyment
of sport is greatly diminished and performance
is impeded.[42-44] An integral
aspect of the perfectionism construct is
performance standards, which is a primary
focus in elite dance and sport.
Therefore, examining the role perfectionism
plays in elite performance seems
a worthy pursuit for which little empirical
research exists.
Frost and Henderson[40] investigated
perfectionism (as well as certain dimensions
of that construct) and reactions
to athletic competition among female
athletes. Overall, athletes who scored
high in Concern over Mistakes reported
more anxiety and less self-confidence (in
the athletic context), displayed a general
failure orientation toward sports,
reacted negatively to mistakes, and reported
more negative thinking in the
24 hours prior to competition.[40] Those
athletes had a difficult time forgetting
about their mistakes and reported that
images of their mistakes controlled their
mind during the remainder of the competition.
These findings, the need for
injury data in young populations, and
research that shows that poor attention
as well as increased stress may lead to
injury,[45] provided the impetus for the
present study.
The study examines injury, stress,
and perfectionism in adolescent dancers
and gymnasts by comparing these
variables in modern and ballet dancers
and artistic gymnasts. We hypothesized
that positive relationships would exist
between injuries and psychological
stress, injuries and perfectionism, and
psychological stress and perfectionism.
Also, we anticipated that ballet dancers
and gymnasts would report more injuries
as well as higher levels of stress and
perfectionism than modern dancers.
Materials and Method
The participants in the study included
30 artistic gymnasts, 19 modern dancers,
and 16 ballet dancers. All participants
were female, Canadian, between
the ages of 12 and 18 years of age (mean:
15.5 ± 0.5), and attended school on a
full-time basis. Most of the participants
began their dance or gymnastics training
before the age of 6 and had been
training for 10 or more years. At the
time of the assessment, most trained five
or more times per week and had significant
experience with performance or
Dance/Gymnastics Questionnaire[46]
The survey was designed for the purpose
of this study to obtain background
information on the participants, their
personal history in dance or gymnastics,
their injury history, and the treatment
they sought. The questionnaire
consisted of 44 questions and required
approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Injury, for the purpose of this study,
was defined as any physical harm resulting
in pain or discomfort that causes
one or more of the following:
1. Cessation of dance/gymnastics activity
during one or more classes,
rehearsals, or performances;
2. A need to modify dance/gymnastics
activity during one or more
classes, rehearsals, or performances;
3. Negative effects on training or performances
during one or more
classes, rehearsals, or performances;
4. Sufficient distraction or emotional
distress to interfere with concentration
or focus during one or more
classes, rehearsals, or performances.
Injury was defined in this way as many
injuries do not cause dancers and gymnasts
to refrain totally from practice.
Dance Experience Survey[30]
This measure was designed to assess
stressors that are unique to dancers (rolespecific
stressors). It was modelled after
the Life Experience Survey.[47] The survey
includes 48 stressors such as “relationships
with teachers,” “relationships
with choreographers,” and “politics associated
with dance activities.” The
dancers were asked to rate each applicable
stressor on an impact scale ranging
from -3 (extremely negative) to +3
(extremely positive), which allowed for
the distinction between positive and
negative stressors. For example, “relationship
with choreographer” may be
rated as +2 if the relationship is fairly
positive, enjoyable, and productive, or
as -2 if the relationship is characterized
by moderate conflict or distress. Blank
spaces were provided for participants to
report any stressors not included in the
list. Approximately 8 minutes were required
to complete the survey.
Gymnastics Experience Survey[48]
Similar to the Dance Experience Survey,
this measure was designed to assess
those stressors that are unique to athletes
in the role of gymnastics. Again, it
was designed after the Life Experiences
Survey.[48] Consisting of 48 items such
as “relationship with coach” and “weight
control,” this measure required approximately
8 minutes to complete. Each
stressor is rated on a scale from -3 (extremely
negative) to +3 (extremely positive),
thus allowing for the distinction
between positive and negative stress.
Again, blank spaces were provided for
participants to report any stressors not
included in the list.
Multidimensional Perfectionism
The multidimensional Perfectionism
Scale contains 47 items that fit conceptually
into each of five dimension
of perfectionism: Personal Standards,
Concern over Mistakes, Parental Expectation,
Doubts about Actions, and
Parental Criticism. All items are presented
in the form of statements with
a five point Likert-response scale continuum
ranging from “strongly disagree”
to “strongly agree.” The coefficients
of internal consistency ranged
from 0.77 to 0.93 with a reliability of
the total perfectionism scale of 0.90.
This measure correlates positively
with the Burns’ Perfectionism Scale[49]
and the Perfectionism Scale from the
Eating Disorder Inventory.[50]
Injury Data
The results indicated that 100% of
the gymnasts had experienced at least
one injury during their career. For
dancers, 94% of those who studied
ballet experienced at least one injury,
and 79% of those who studied modern
reported at least one injury. The
sites of these injuries are shown in
Table 1.
The participants were asked to report
the amount of time that training
needed to be modified for each injury.
The duration of these injuries in each
group are shown in Table 2. Participants
were also asked to identify the type of
treatment sought for their injuries. Of
the ballet dancers, 58% sought treatment
from physical therapists and 19%
consulted physicians. The modern
dancers showed more variety in their
selection of treatment with 22% seeking
the assistance of dance teachers and
22% consulting chiropractors. Medical
doctors and physical therapists each
were seen by 19% of the modern dancers.
Furthermore, approximately half of
the modern dancers sought the assistance
of more than one type of practitioner.
The gymnasts relied exclusively
on medical doctors (60%), physical
therapists (20%), and chiropractors
(20%) for the treatment of their injuries.
Stress Data
The results for total stress scores (combined
positive and negative stress), negative,
and positive stress scores are shown
in Figures 1, 2, and 3 respectively. A oneway
ANOVA indicated significant between
group differences (F = 7.99; df =
2,62; p < 0.008). A Fisher post-hoc test
revealed that the ballet and modern
dancers reported significantly more total
stress than the gymnasts. Although
not statistically significant, a trend existed
with ballet dancers who reported
more negative stress than modern dancers
(F = 2.69; df = 2,62; p < 0.076).
With respect to positive stress, a oneway
ANOVA indicated significant between
group differences (F = 13.40;
df=2,62; p < 0.0001). A Fisher post-hoc
test revealed that the ballet and modern
dancers reported significantly more
positive stress than did the gymnasts.
One-way ANOVAs indicated that between
group differences existed with
respect to the three perfectionism subscales,
Concern over Mistakes, Parental
Criticism, and Doubts about Actions.
More specifically, Fisher
post-hoc tests revealed that modern
dancers reported significantly less
Concern over Mistakes than did gymnasts
(F = 3.33; df = 2,62; p < 0.04).
The ballet dancers did not significantly
differ in Concern over Mistakes
from the gymnasts or the modern
dancers (Fig. 4).
A Fisher post-hoc test indicated that
both the ballet and modern dancers reported
significantly less Parental Criticism
than did the gymnasts (F = 15.78;
df = 2,62; p < 0.0001). The ballet and
modern dancers, however, did not significantly
differ from each other (Fig.
5). Between group differences also
emerged on the Doubts about Actions
sub-scale with the gymnasts reporting
significantly less doubts than either the
ballet or modern dancers (F = 10.80; df
= 2,62; p < 0.0001). Again, the ballet
and modern dancers did not differ significantly
from each other (Fig. 6).
Relationships between Stress and Injury
Pearson Product Moment Correlations
between the stress and injury data are
shown in Table 3. The results indicated
that for the ballet dancers there were no
significant relationships between any of
the stress scales and injury. In contrast,
for the modern dancers significant positive
correlations existed between injury
and both total stress and negative stress.
Gymnastic injuries were correlated in a
positive direction with total, positive,
and negative stress.
Relationships between Stress and Perfectionism
Pearson Product Moment Correlations
were conducted between the stress scales
(total stress, positive stress, and negative
stress) and the six subscales of perfectionism.
Table 4 illustrates those correlations
that reached statistical significance. Total stress and negative
stress were correlated with Concern over
Mistakes for both modern dancers and
artistic gymnasts. Doubts about Actions
was correlated only with negative stress
for modern dancers. Finally, total stress
and Parental Expectations were positively
correlated for ballet dancers only.
No significant correlations were found
between stress and the other three
subscales of perfectionism (Personal
Standards, Parental Criticism, and Organization).
Relationships between Injury and Perfectionism
As shown in Table 5, a significant positive
correlation resulted between number
of injuries and the sub-scale of Parental
Expectations for modern dancers.
The Concern over Mistakes sub-scale
was correlated significantly with injury
for artistic gymnasts and a trend resulted
between these two variables for ballet
dancers. No significant relationships
were found between injury and the
other sub-scales of perfectionism.
Although a broad definition of injury
was used in this study, the high number
of injuries to young dancers and gymnasts
echo the incidence of injury in older dance populations. However, findings
reveal a greater number of hip problems
in young ballet dancers (and gymnasts
to some extent) than in older
dancers in whom lower leg, foot, and
ankle problems are more prevalent (see
Table 1). Perhaps the extreme range of
motion demanded in ballet and gymnastics
is problematic during adolescence,
especially during the growth
spurts. Current literature reports that external
rotation of the hip is very limited
prior to age 12, but increases with age.[51]
Garrick[16] found that hip injuries were
seen more commonly in 13 to 38-yearold
dancers, and snapping hip syndrome
has been associated with a narrow
bi-iliac width.[52] Molnar and
Esterson[15] reported that it is “imperative
to take into account bone growth,
hormonal status, growth spurts, and
nutrition,” when working with young
dancers whose bodies are subjected to
great physical demands while training.
They found their sample of young ballet
students to be globally weak in trunk
strength and questioned whether there
is a correlation between trunk strength
and anterior hip tightness. Similarly, our
findings lead us to question the relationship
between trunk strength, hip tightness,
and injury, and to suggest that
more careful strength training for the
trunk support muscles, and hip joint
muscles in adolescent elite ballet dancers
and gymnasts is needed. Also, the
high incidence of reported lumbar spine
problems in the modern dancers suggests
that additional trunk strength may
be needed in this group also.
We were prohibited from asking
questions about menstrual function
and eating patterns by the consenting
adults for one of the three groups
in our study. Hence it was not possible
to examine the relationship between
injury and eating disorders.
Differences in injury management
were evident among the groups. Precise
medical information on the injuries was
not available, so the nature and severity
of injuries among the groups may have
been quite different. Also, the self-reports
of injury were lacking adequate
descriptions. It is clear from this research
and that of Molnar and Esterson[15] that
dancers need better education about
injury management. Young dancers and
gymnasts knew very little about what
structures were injured and the mechanism
of injury. It is to their advantage
to have greater knowledge of the structure
and function of their bodies as well
as the nature and process of injury and
recovery. The varied injury management
strategies may have been based on lack
of knowledge, availability of practitioners,
or attitudes toward treatment. The
data shows that modern dancers had the
least contact with physicians and physical
therapists, and that they sought treatment
from a greater range of sources:
the ballet dancers and gymnasts in the
study were more likely to visit physicians
or physical therapists than were
the modern dancers. Prior research[53]
noted that modern dancers reported a
lack of access to physicians and physical
therapists, or an unwillingness to
seek their assistance.
The majority of participants in our
sample modified training for longer
than three weeks due to injury (59% of
ballet dancers, 69% of modern dancers,
and 57 % of gymnasts). However,
while the ballet and gymnastic groups
typically modified activity for three days
to three months, the modern dancers
either modified activity for a very short
time (less than two days) or for one
month or longer (54%). Only 24% of
the ballet group and 39% of the gymnasts
modified activity for one or more
months. From a review of the literature,
Caine and Garrick[17] inferred that
28.8% to 35.6% of dancers incurred
injuries that kept them from training
for more than one week. Those authors
also concluded that tendinitis about the
hip resulted in the longest absence from
training (6.9 days) followed by low back
strain (4.7 days). Hamilton and colleagues[54]
found that the average length
of disability for a sample of students
from the School of American Ballet was
54 days. Eight (5%) students dropped
out of the school because they had
missed over four months. In our study,
the average amount of time lost to injury
for ballet students was three to four
weeks, whereas 18% of the ballet students
modified activity for greater than
three months but none dropped-out of
In summary, our data suggests that
there are differences among dancers and
gymnasts in the management of, and
disability from, injury. Training is typically
affected for between one week and
one month for ballet dancers and gymnasts,
whereas modern dancers modify
training for much less or much longer
periods. It could be that the modern
dancers in the study returned to activity
too soon. Nevertheless, it appears
that, in general, large numbers of young
elite participants are modifying training
for weeks, rather than days, and appropriate
monitoring of training, technique,
and injury management is
Psychological Stress
In terms of psychological stress, the results
point to the importance of discerning
among positive, negative, and total
stress. Each may be associated differently
with injury and personality as revealed
in the present and prior[31] research. Total
stress may mask differences in stressors.
For example, the ballet and modern
dancers both had higher total stress
levels than the gymnasts, but the gymnasts
had lower levels of positive stress.
Positive stress, or eustress, is an essential
stimulus for psychological growth, creativity,
and life satisfaction, and may
buffer the negative stressors that occur.
There are certain contextual factors
that may contribute to the low levels
of positive stress reported by the gymnasts.
First, gymnasts generally do not
have access to stress management or
psychological support programs; in
fact, in many cases gymnasts have
been prohibited from accessing these
resources. Furthermore, prior research
has found that gymnasts have a very
singular identity, such that their lives
and identities revolve around gymnastics.
And finally, gymnasts’ lives, both
within and outside the training environment,
tend to be very regimented
and controlled, leaving these athletes
with little autonomy and leisure time.
Correlations between total stress and
injury and between negative stress and
injury were both significant for the gymnast
and modern groups. These correlations
were especially high for the gymnasts
whereas no such relationship was
revealed for the ballet group, as we had
hypothesized. The high positive stress,
or some additional factor, may have
moderated the training or lifestyles of
the ballet students and accounted for
this result. The ballet students lived at
the school with a more controlled environment,
which may have provided an
enhanced support system. It is well
documented that social support buffers
stress,[55,56] and may have moderated the
effects of negative stress on injury in this
study. Hamilton and associates[54] advocated
that dance students be provided
programs to alleviate occupational stress
due to the difficulties with injuries and
disordered eating found in their study.
Differences in perfectionism subscales
(rather than total perfectionism scores
as hypothesized) and their association
with injury and stress were found
among the three groups. Modern dancers
were less concerned over mistakes
than gymnasts, and both groups of
dancers had higher scores on the Doubt
about Actions scale. Gymnasts, however,
were more concerned about parental
criticism. We question whether these
differences are an artifact of the artistic
nature of ballet and modern dance, and
insecurities that might arise in studying
these two forms. Gymnasts have a more
precise and concrete standard for
achievement than do dancers. It is difficult
to determine if these differences
are related to the nature and varying demands
of the three forms or if they indicate
something about differences in
The ballet dancers differed from the
other two groups with respect to the
relationship between perfectionism and
stress. Parental Expectations correlated
significantly with total stress for ballet
dancers. Concern over Mistakes was
associated with both total and negative
stress for gymnasts and modern dancers.
Again, it may be that environmental
or personality differences account for
these results. Further investigation is
needed to understand the distinctions.
In terms of injury and perfectionism,
the hypothesis that there would be a
positive relationship was not supported,
but again, like injury and stress, the picture
was much more complex. The relationships
between injury and the various
subscales of perfectionism varied
among the groups with modern dancers
showing a different pattern than the
other two groups. Only the Parental Expectations
subscale was shown to be related
significantly with injury for modern
dancers. Injury and Concern over
Mistakes were correlated significantly
for the gymnasts, and a strong trend was
found between these two variables for
the ballet group. Previous research[31]
found that physical stress and personality
traits characteristic of the “overachiever”
distinguished injured ballet
dancers from the normal population.
The authors of that study reported that dancers with a greater number of injuries
were more enterprising, and dancers
with stress fractures were also more
dominant, extroverted, assertive, sociable,
and adjusted. In addition to exploring
the role that personality plays
in the attraction adolescents have for the
various forms, we need to investigate
how training methods and significant
others are affecting young dancers and
Conclusion and Recommendations
The findings of this study indicate that
injuries are high in young dancers and
gymnasts. Hip injuries were particularly
prevalent in these groups. More research
is needed to explore and confirm this
result as well as to examine training and
conditioning of the trunk and hip joint
muscles during the growth years. In
addition, we need to investigate if young
modern dancers are receiving adequate
treatment for their injuries, why they
do not seek assistance from physicians
and physical therapists, and whether
they are taking sufficient time away
from training during the early stages of
injury. It is clear that the majority of
professional dancers pursue elite training
at between 12 to 18 years of age,
and information on this age group is
crucial in terms of its long-term impact
on the young dancers and the art form.
Similarly, gymnasts start demanding
training schedules very early in life, and
the high number of injuries found in
this study caution scientists and coaches
to examine these demands more carefully.
It is noteworthy that gymnasts have
fairly high levels of stress but have reduced
positive stress when compared
with the two dance groups. In earlier
research[30] the duration of injury was
considerably shorter when associated
with positive stress as opposed to negative
stress. Researchers need to continue
looking at all types of stressors and their
relationship to dance/athletic injuries.
Also, it would be helpful to examine
conditions that contribute to greater
stress for dancers and elevated negative
stress for gymnasts.
More research on larger samples of
the population is needed on the psychological
correlates of injury in order
to determine if injuries can be reduced
not only through enhancing physical
training, but also by enhancing the psychological
care of young dancers and
athletes. We need to explore whether
training methods are encouraging a high
concern over mistakes; that subscale of
perfectionism was found to be related
strongly to injury for ballet dancers and
gymnasts and with high stress (total
positive and negative) for modern dancers.
It would also be beneficial to explore
the environment, personality, coping
resources, and social support as
possible mediating variables in the
stress/injury relationship. In addition,
we believe that the relationships between
elite dancers and gymnasts and their
teachers is extremely influential and
needs to be explored. Only parents’ expectations
and criticism are measured
in Frost’s perfectionism measure, and we
have seen that perfectionism needs to
be addressed from a multifaceted perspective,
especially with elite performers.
Therefore, we are in the process of
designing a scale that addresses significant
others’ expectations and will include
coaches’/teachers’ influences. Additionally,
normal values for the level of
perfectionism need to be established for
Finally, there is no question that elite
training for the young will promote high
standards, result in physical and psychological
stress, and incur injury. Contemporary
research points to the multifactorial
causes and consequences of
performance injuries and the importance
of examining both physical and
psychological factors in their prevention
and treatment.[57] Researchers and educators
need more information about
correlates of injury, such as stress and
perfectionism, and how training might
be modified to reduce the impact of
these factors on the incidence of injury.
Perhaps training should be reduced or
modified during high stress times, such
as exams. The way that we train elite
dancers and athletes may be encouraging
an over-emphasis on “concern for
mistakes,” and this should be examined.
We also need to consider if the demand
for perfection that comes from teachers
and coaches contributes to injury patterns
and adverse psychological health
of these young people. Further research
and enhanced knowledge can assist educators,
trainers, and the participants
themselves in creating optimal training
methods and minimizing negative effects
of elite performance in the young
artist and athlete.
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